This episode of the was such a joy to record. It allowed me and three beautiful ladies to get together and express how much we love our sisters, our men and our children.

Dionne, Elle, and Necie were brave enough to join me in this courageous conversation. It’s not easy to share vulnerable moments from your life. It’s not easy to share moments that are personal and once caused you great shame. We share a series of teachable moments; not only for ourselves, but for those who are coming after us. We take turns baring our souls in hopes of helping someone else. 

Abortion is not self care. It’s not even close. We understand why some women feel it’s necessary to have an abortion. Trust me, we understand. We also understand that there are so many other things you can do for self care prior to abortion being an option.

More importantly, we address the fact that the billboard is aimed at so called Black or African American women. We all agree it low key claims that black women are the only parent that makes a sacrifice to take care of the children. Black men love and care for their children too. It seems we are taking our cues from outside influences instead of each other.

This episode addresses many problems besides abortion. There is baby momma drama, child support, and mass incarceration. To make a difference, we have to move differently. To make a difference we have to WANT to move differently. 

Listen and let us know what you think.

Click on the photos below to connect with Dionne, Elle, and Necie.


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Sophia Antoine

Sophia Antoine

Your Courageous Coach + Podcast Host

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These episodes are meant to encourage women to abandon their comfort zones and start to dream again. It’s my mission to showcase everyday women who are doing amazing things so you can KNOW that it’s possible. Now, it is important that you realize that amazing is in the eye of the beholder. There is no judgment here. I want every woman to feel welcome and safe here. Feel free to contact me using the chat or the podcast hotline; 786.749.TALK (8255). I promise to respond within 24 hours.

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