So, This was May

Thank you for checking out this episode of the podcast.

I discussed the M.E.P.P.S Self Care Method (TM)

These are areas of your life that I recommend you direct your attention and enhance as much as possible.

Mental – Commit to spending time alone. Practice saying no.

Emotional – Allow yourself to FEEL your feelings. There is no specific way to react to a situation

Physical – Exercise + eat well. Don’t expect results overnight. Take it one step at a time to produce lasting results

Professional – Take your breaks and lunches. Personalize your workspace. You spend so much time at work, you may as well be comfortable.

Spiritual – Connect with your higher power on a deeper level.

I hope you enjoy this episode. I will produce more solo podcasts in the future.I am still learning how to make the show better as evidenced by this text and the easy access links below. You may also notice a bit of background noise in the recording. That was my attempt at adding music to spice it up a bit. That was a total fail. Like I said about the goals, it happens. I learned from it and will do better going forward. 

Thanks for rockin’ with me while we are on this journey.

Your questions and comments are welcome 786-749-TALK (8255)

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